Urban Design and Landscape, DU&P, ISSN 0717 – 9758, is an electronic publication of the Center for Architectural, Urban and Landscape Studies CEAUP, situated in the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture. It is included in the record of periodic publications of Universidad Central de Chile. Published biannually in Spanish, in electronic pdf format (Portable Document Format). It has endured uninterruptedly since its inception in April 2005, and it is freely accessible on the World Wide Web at the site http://dup.ucentral.cl/. Editorial guidelines are available on the journal's website.

DU&P is indexed by:

• DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Journals.
• Latindex, Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.
• Sherpa/Romeo Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving.
• ISSN, International Standard Serial Number. International Centre.
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• MIAR, Information Matrix for Journal Analysis.
• CRUE, Conference of University Rectors Spanish.
• ROAD, Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources.
• ERIHPLUS, European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences
• ARLA, Association of Latin American Architecture Magazines
• Design Researchers Network
• Portal of Chilean Academic Journals

Legal Representative
• Patricio Silva Rojas
Presidente de la Junta Directiva de la Universidad Central de Chile..

Directors and Editors-in-Chief
• Marco Valencia Palacios
• Juan Pablo Astorga del Río

• Dr. Lucas Perries. National University of Córdoba, Argentina.
• Mg. Griselda Garcia. National University of Cuyo, Argentina.
• Dr. Jose Hayakawua. National University of Engineering, Lima, Peru.
• Dr. Mario Sobarzo. Department of Philosophy, University of Santiago de Chile.
• Mg. Albert Nanclares. Higher Technical School of Architecture of the U. Polytechnic of Madrid.
• Drs. Virginia Arnett. Faculty of Humanities, U. Major, Chile.
• Dr. Jorge Vergara. Faculty of Social Sciences, U. of Valparaíso, Chile.
• Dr. Walter Imilan. Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, U. Central of Chile.
• Dr. Javier Figueroa. Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, U. Central of Chile.
• Drs. Hannah Mary Wegmann. Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, U. Central of Chile.
• Mg. Alfonso Raposo. Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, U. Central of Chile.
• Professor Martin Hoelscher. Dipl. Ing. Urban Planner Architect / Technical High School Westphalia / University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
• Professor Pere Sala i Martí / Landscape Observatory of Catalonia.
• Dr. Zysman Neiman. Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil.
• Dra. Ximena Galleguillos. Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Chile.

• Miguel García Corrales, Landscape Architect. Landscape Ecologist. Master in Tourism Management and Direction. School of Architecture and Landscape, UCEN.
• Claudio Galeno, Dr Architect. School of Architecture. U. Católica del Norte.
• Max Aguirre, Dr Architect. FAU. U. de Chile.
• Gerson Mac Lean, Architect Master in Urban Development. UTEM.
• Sergio Castro, Dr. Biological Sciences. Fac. Chemistry and Biology. USACH. • María Isabel Pavez, Dr Architect. FAU. University of Chile.
• Rodrigo García, Dr Architect. Farcodi. U. Bío Bío.
• Pablo Flores, Architect. Structural Design Principles Diploma
• Anamaría Lisboa, Architect. Dr © in Architecture and Cultural Heritage - Environmental at Universidad de Sevilla, Spain.
• Dr Sergio Alvarado, Associate Professor of the Biostatistics Program, School of Medicine, Universidad de Chile.
• Charif Tala, Veterinarian, Ministry of the Environment.
• Aldo Hidalgo, Dr Architect. USACH Architecture School
• Ricardo Riveros, Landscape Architect, INACAP, Master in Urbanism, Universidad de Chile, Dr © in Architecture and Urbanism, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina.
• Eugenio Ferrer, Architect Universidad de Chile, Master in Arts, with a mention in Theory and History of Art, Universidad de Chile. UCEN Academic.
• María Victoria Correa, PUC Architect, Dr in Conservation of Architectural Assets, Polytechnic of Milan, Italy. USACH Academic.
• Marcelo Reyes Busch, Architect PUC. Master in Education, U. Central. Academic in the areas of Urban Planning, Design and Management at U. Central, UTEM, U. del Desarrollo and U. San Sebastián.
• Dra. Claudia Márquez. Doctora en Geografía y Medio Ambiente. Académica Universidad Central de Chile.
• Leonardo Cortes Estay. Academico Escuela de Arquitectura,. U. Central
• Verónica Saud Casanova. Academica Escuela de Arquitectura U. Central
• Silvina Barraud. Mag. Dra. Arquitectura Academica FAUD, U. Nacional de Córdoba.

GRAPHIC DESIGN: Sebastián Chandía.

Postal Address: Central University of Chile. School of Architecture and Landscape. Av. Santa Isabel 1186 5th Floor. Commune of Santiago. Santiago de Chile. Official contact email with readers: ceaup@ucentral.cl


This 44th issue of DU&P magazine is entitled “the deconstruction of landscapes and cities”, where the contributions of researchers who, under a critical view of the phenomena and narratives studied, reflect models that contrast with the needs associated with the spheres of landscape and urban planning. Through their studies, they identify invisible subjectivities and otherness. This being a central theme in current post-structuralist philosophy, each article contributes to deconstruct hegemonic thoughts and practices in the territory. It is well known that various models have been imposed and continue to be imposed on the global south, with deconstruction being of fundamental importance in contemporary research to identify and change ways of thinking and acting, given that previous literatures continue to support implicit cultural and social biases. This, towards evidence that explains forms of power and social, cultural, economic and political relations that are repressed, violated, inequitable or unjust. Above all, the current articles provide an example of making visible and valuing phenomena and events, providing tools or epistemologies that allow us to move from reflection to action, changes whose impact makes inclusive sense and contribute to understanding our environment from heterogeneities, otherness, diversities, pluralities and subjectivities.


Likewise, the study by authors Millaleo and Marquez shows that Mapuche vegetable gardens led by Mapuche women did not disappear, despite the models of agrarian reform and counter-reform in Chile, based on patriarchal narratives and practices. The gardens survived this “modernization” as places of resistance. The Mapuche vegetable garden is a stronghold of the corporality of Mapuche women, made invisible in formal history. It is where they reproduce and create wisdom, learning and knowledge about the generation of life in the territories, passing from woman to woman. Thanks to its historical and political devaluation, it survived the modernizing assumptions based on scientific, rational and androcentric masculine and moral superiority. This worldview of the vegetable garden, which survives colonizations, modernizations and reforms, is the first body-territory of defense, of habitation that germinates life. It embodies our ancestral heritage and cultural diversity, relating the material and spiritual aspects of the territory as a means of reproducing life.


The author Jorge Vergara evaluates the effect of the regionalization of CORVI collective housing in the year 1974, or during the military dictatorship and imposition of the neoliberal system. He maintains that the behavior in the common spaces of the buildings observed does not correspond to the assumptions of their rationalization. Rather, they facilitate the individual sphere by compromising the collective one. From the point of view of causality, regionalization is based on Chilean developmentalist modernity, significantly influenced by a Taylorist sense of functional efficiency; where architecture became just another repertoire for its operationalization, controlling, for example, constructive aspects and formal expressions that reduced the space and the number of possible interactions. The precarious is, in reality, an accumulation strategy. Concepts such as rationalization, replicability, flexibility, typology, standardization, practicality, are terms widely used to refer to these typologies of collective housing, even used to this day to identify their positive attributes, when in reality their design of collective housing was an experiment.


The author Pablo Merello evaluates the use of portfolios in an architecture school. His topic, on the pedagogy of urban and architectural themes, is emerging at a global level, and has been installed as a line of research in various universities around the world. His contribution lies in the scarce literature that evaluates how a portfolio is used, a broad and traditionally used tool in the world by dozens of schools of art, design, architecture, urban planning and landscaping. This portfolio model is considered suitable for synthesizing evidence of learning, which in turn facilitates the capacity for self-assessment at different levels of the educational entity. Its adequate implementation requires communicative capacity between professors and students, it requires reflection, collaborative and organizational capacity, forming an integral part of the identity of the technical or professional training institution.


The contributions of Figueroa and Fernández, for example, show a bridge between quantitative scientific research and an explanation of causality that points to social and cultural spheres. They study the presence of native flora in squares and parks in urban areas. The results show that, in public spaces and urban parks, Chile's native species represent less than 15% of the registered and threatened species. The results make visible the obstacles in the incorporation of public areas for plant conservation. It is not a budget issue. Rather, it reflects that the notion of heritage has changed, including the notion of natural conservation in urban areas, a more recent fact with respect to the notion of cultural conservation. Moreover, it is reflected in the current state of natural and endemic species in public spaces. The presence and frequency of native species in the Metropolitan Region is influenced by the 19th century French model and design, which models a heritage institutionality, educational and research programs on the country's urban biodiversity. This builds public spaces typologies with a rather low presence of local and endemic flora both in cities and in Santiago de Chile.
In addition, this issue includes the CEAUP NEWS and PUBLICATION REVIEW sections.