Urban Design and Landscape, DU&P, ISSN 0717 – 9758, is an electronic publication of the Center for Architectural, Urban and Landscape Studies CEAUP, situated in the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture. It is included in the record of periodic publications of Universidad Central de Chile. Published biannually in Spanish, in electronic pdf format (Portable Document Format). It has endured uninterruptedly since its inception in April 2005, and it is freely accessible on the World Wide Web at the site http://dup.ucentral.cl/. Editorial guidelines are available on the journal's website.

DU&P is indexed by:

• DOAJ, Directory of Open Access Journals.
• Latindex, Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal.
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• ERIHPLUS, European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences
• ARLA, Association of Latin American Architecture Magazines
• Design Researchers Network
• Portal of Chilean Academic Journals

Legal Representative
• Patricio Silva Rojas
Presidente de la Junta Directiva de la Universidad Central de Chile..

Directors and Editors-in-Chief
• Marco Valencia Palacios
• Juan Pablo Astorga del Río

• Dra. Virginia Arnet. Facultad de Humanidades, Universidad de Alcalá, España.
• Dr. Javier Figueroa. Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Universidad Central de Chile.
• Dra. Ximena Galleguillos. Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana, Chile.
• Mg. Griselda García. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina.
• Dr. José Hayakawua. Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Lima, Perú.
• Profesor Martin Hoelscher. University of Applied Sciences and Art, Suiza.
• Dr. Walter Imilan. Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Universidad Central de Chile.
• Mg. Alberto Nanclares. Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
• Dr. Zysman Neiman. Universidad Federal de São Paulo, Brasil.
• Profesor Pere Sala i Martí. Observatorio del Paisaje de Cataluña, España.
• Dr. Lucas Períes. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.
• Mg. Alfonso Raposo. Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Universidad Central de Chile.
• Dr. Mario Sobarzo. Departamento de Filosofía, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
• Dr. Jorge Vergara. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile.
• Dra. Ana María Wegmann. Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura, Universidad Central de Chile.

• Max Aguirre. Arquitecto Universidad de Chile. Doctor en Arquitectura Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Académico FAU, Universidad de Chile.
• Sergio Alvarado. Profesor de Matemática Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación de Chile. Doctor en Bioestadística, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Académico Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile.
• Silvina Barraud. Arquitecta Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Doctora (c) en Arquitectura, Universidad de Mendoza. Académica FAUD, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
• Sergio Castro. Biólogo. Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas mención Ecología. Académico Facultad de Química y Biología, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
• María Victoria Correa. Arquitecta Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Doctora en Conservación de Bienes Arquitectónicos Politécnico de Milán. Académica FARAC, Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
• Leonardo Cortés Estay. Arquitecto Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Magíster en Desarrollo Urbano Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Académico FINARQ, Universidad Central de Chile.
• Eugenio Ferrer. Arquitecto Universidad de Chile. Magíster en Artes, con mención en Teoría e Historia del Arte, Universidad de Chile. Académico Facultad de Arquitectura y Artes, Universidad Austral de Chile.
• Claudio Galeno. Arquitecto Universidad Católica del Norte. Master y Doctor en Teoría e Historia de la Arquitectura Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. Académico Universidad Católica del Norte.
• Rodrigo García A. Arquitecto Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Doctor en Arquitectura Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña. Académico FARCODI, Universidad del Bío-Bío.  
• Miguel García Corrales. Arquitecto del Paisaje Universidad Central de Chile. Máster en Dirección y Gestión Turística Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona y Máster en Cultura Científica y de la Innovación Universidad de Oviedo. Académico FINARQ, Universidad Central de Chile.
• Aldo Hidalgo. Arquitecto Universidad de Chile. Doctor en Filosofía con mención en Estética y Teoría del Arte Universidad de Chile. Académico FARAC, Universidad de Santiago USACH.
• Gerson Mac Lean. Arquitecto Universidad La República. Diploma de Estudios Especializados (DES) y Complementarios (DEC) en Ciencias Aplicadas Orientación en Urbanismo y Desarrollo Territorial, Universidad Católica de Lovaina. Académico Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana de Chile.
• María Isabel Pavez. Arquitecta Universidad de Chile. Doctora en Arquitectura y Urbanismo Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
• Janet Pérez. Geógrafa Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Magister en Geografía  Universidad de Chile. Académica FINARQ, Universidad Central de Chile.
• Marcelo Reyes Busch. Arquitecto Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Magíster en Educación Universitaria, Universidad Central de Chile. Académico Universidad Central de Chile, UTEM, Universidad del Desarrollo y Universidad San Sebastián.
• Ricardo Riveros. Arquitecto del Paisaje INACAP.  Doctor (c) en Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Académico FINARQ, Universidad Central de Chile.
• Verónica Saud Casanova. Arquitecta Universidad Central de Chile. Doctora en Development Planning London’s Global University UCL. Académica FINARQ, Universidad Central de Chile.
• Charif Tala. Médico Veterinario Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Conservación de Especies, Ministerio del Medio Ambiente Chile..

GRAPHIC DESIGN: Sebastián Chandía.

Postal Address: Central University of Chile. School of Architecture and Landscape. Av. Santa Isabel 1186 5th Floor. Commune of Santiago. Santiago de Chile. Official contact email with readers: ceaup@ucentral.cl


“Territorial Assemblages” is the name of the current issue 45 of DU&P journal. Assemblages is a term that became popular with the work of Deleuze and Guattari, called A Thousand Plateaus, 1980. The authors explore the fit and non-fit of ideas, objectives, visions, objects, elements, human and non-human; and that are reflected in numerous phenomena and events at a global level. The concept is attractive, since it is broad, offering an opportunity to explain effects and causes, and to reinterpret a global environment where the advancement of pro-business and neoliberal forms of governing is perceived. In this way, it is possible to reinterpret current concepts and theories developed in various disciplines and currents of thought. One of the themes that the philosopher Deleuze most emphasizes is aspects that are paradoxical both in development models and in the conceptual and theoretical interpretation of our environments. A more concrete way to establish a question from this point of view is to relate the persistent modern development models to the expression of diversity, complexity and dynamism that characterizes our environment and its inhabitants.

The various expressions of crises and social and cultural conflicts that have occurred and are still present in the world reflect current ways of governing. These are characterized by the ease with which they choose to appease, repress, consult, and practice multiple forms of violence to resolve what is categorized as complexity and diversity. Not far from this interpretation, among many others that have been made by both philosophers, we currently see in the investigative and intellectual development that explore the various ways that territories, architectures, history, landscape and cities are assembled. This issue presents research that explores the various ways of assembling our environments.


In this section we address different views and issues around the territory and landscape from the field of Urban Studies, with emphasis on the cultural and societal dimensions of spatial and symbolic production.

Cities are key to the full development of their inhabitants, their communities, culture, economy and society in general. That is why it is relevant to investigate the interventions and ways of governing the pieces of architecture that make up the relationship between its inhabitants and the city. This research, developed by Juan de Andrés Martínez on the architectural piece Casa Urquijo, provides us with information about reordering, control and production of human relationships. The house represents an assembly of a piece of the city of Madrid. Explores the power of the dominant social classes in the city in the period. This ability to imagine and give shape to key places in the city, the Gran Vía, shows the assembly of personalities and family and professional relationships that shape the work and its environment. How it materializes and where these decisions are made are contemporary ways to approach works of architecture, since they reflect the social and cultural condition of the city, accounting for an anatomy located in the capitalist logic.


We conceive of the city as an order in constant transformation and dispute. Its design would come to embody the various conceptions, representations and aspirations of making the city and architecture. Authors debate project and design theories in this thoughtful effort for different scales of intervention.

Considering recent global history, the manuscript “Numerical harmonies in present architectural education and its theoretical-practical approach. Regarding the Villard de Honnecourt Reticula”, presents the challenge of learning during the pandemic. As part of the impacts of the COVID-19 virus globally, Elian Moreno shares the experience associated with the learning changes that were made in in the discipline of architecture at the Universidad Autónoma of Ciudad Juárez (Mexico). His research contributes to a new literature that, in turn, reopens debates related to the relationship between face-to-face and virtual means by which learning is achieved. Given the fragility of living, evident in the face of the drastic changes to lifestyles related to confinement, Elian Moreno shares the innovations that had to be made to continue with an essential dimension in development, such as learning.


The global process of urbanization is stressing the natural and cultural landscapes in magnitudes that question sustainability. The theoretical-practical elaboration of landscape, territory and sustainability are necessary to decompress this tension. DU&P disseminates studies on design, planning, appraisal and theoretical reflection on landscape (composition, structure, organization) in its various contexts (urban, rural, conservation) and dimensions (natural, economic, social and cultural).

With the title “François de Nomé, Canaletto and Piranesi: the imaginary landscape of ruins,” Cesare Battelli presents the first imaginaries of architectural ruins, where the researched artist creates a lexicon or language by which the past and present are assembled, architecture and nature, vestiges of ways of living and governing the territory. This research expands, as a conceptual bridge, from a historical point of view, current themes about cities and their works. The author interprets these works as territorial dynamics, which represent questions about what happens when the built environment ages and remains, between the current models of regeneration and recovery, in a gray area of ​​vestige, heritage or ruins.

Contributing to research that shows the various contradictions of development, author Daniela Soto shares a critical look at the current assembly in urban production, and its effects on natural environments. There are few urban and architectural models that are imposed on urban and non-urban environments. The crises or conflicts that result from these reflect a reductionist understanding of the diversity and dynamics of a place. That is why the author offers a look at dwelling from the concepts of homeostasis and the cycles of the city. Her proposal addresses fundamental issues in urban development and planning, such as adaptation and informed planning, strategies that would reduce conflicts associated with the destruction of the natural environment due to large-scale urban projects and to ecosystem preservation.

Additionally, this issue includes CEAUP NEWS and PUBLICATION REVIEW sections.
