--------Editorial Guidelines


1. Participants: DU & P aims at those who carry out intellectual production tasks in academic research and teaching communities, in public and private professional entities and in local development organizations. It is oriented to a task of disseminating advances, results and research derivations on the diversity of processes by which constitute urban life, the culture of cities and the production of urban space. At the same time, it seeks to channel the expression of analytical, critical and proactive reflection on these matters.

2. Thematic: DU & P seeks to deploy a historical and cultural, transdisciplinary and contextualizing vision of the work that arises, both from the thought and from the actions organized as interventions on the space of human habitability. It proposes to recognize specially the theoretical and technical practices related to the production of urban space, land use planning and the shaping of the landscape. In this context, the work of the architectural and urban discipline is of particular interest, in its task of generating the meaning and condition of the habitability of cities.

DU & P has especially considered Urban Design and Landscape Architecture as those disciplinary practices with the broadest responsibility in the formation of the habitable spaces of urban life and with the greatest incidence in the formation of the symbolic capital of the city.
The praxis of Urban Design, although it tends to proclaim its own theoretical status, is rooted in the disciplinary body of Architecture to which it belongs, and recognizes the political, economic and social dimensions of the Territorial Order out of which it generates. Urban Studies, in turn, aim at the recognition and investigation of the cultural and political complexity of the territory after its constant redefinition and tension by various agents, as well as its modes of subjectivation and being-in-common. Likewise, after the very praxis of Urban Design and territorial assemblage, Landscape Architecture constitutes multiformly as an image of the city and its surroundings, a heterogeneity of places and cultural constructions of identity, as a physiographic and biological environment, or a spacer for biodiversity preservation.

Although the journal seeks to outline a critical and transdisciplinary reflection on the theoretical and technical discourses of these practices, this is not limited to the formality of their disciplinary “logos”, nor to the meaningful discourses of objectivist rationality. It also opens up to alternative and emerging epistemological possibilities that allow us to reach the unexpected interweaving that the statutes of these practices have with everyday life and its manifestations, even those hidden links that inhabit individual and social imaginaries.  

3. Instructions for authors

3.1. DU & P maintains a permanent invitation and disposition open to external collaborators who want to publish previously unpublished texts on their pages. In this respect, our magazine expects exclusivity. It requires that its collaborators omit to present their texts in parallel or simultaneously to the consideration of other publishers. We understand that the submission that authors make of their texts to our editorial evaluation implies, for those approved, a license granted to us for reproduction and online availability. This licensing also includes the authorization for future printed versions of the texts made by the institution responsible for DU&P.

3.2.Writing must be in a Word processor for PC. The format in Letter size, Arial font, single spacing, 2.5 cm for margins. Chapter titles, highlighted in bold. The sizes of the letters will be: Text: N°11, Title: N°14 in bold; Authors, abstract and keywords (5 words in total): N°10; Footnotes: N°9.

3.3. Texts will be headed by: Title and Author. Before the beginning of the writing, a summary will be placed in Spanish and English (Abstract), which consists of no more than 180 words, in addition to the indication, in a separate line (Spanish and English), of some concepts or key words (Keywords) of content identification. A structured agenda will also be included as an index to the article. Then, the development of the text: Introduction, chapters or sections, conclusions, acknowledgments and bibliography.  

3.4. Articles must comply with the APA editorial standards, 6th version. We will only receive articles that consider this format. Here are some basic requirements in this regard:

  1. 1. Citation Form:

Author-date format: You should place it inside the article after the quote and between parentheses. In it, you should indicate the author’s last name, year of publication and page cited as a reference (if applicable). This system does NOT require the use of footnotes, except for comments or digressions.

(Author’s last name, 2000, p. 45)

  1. 1. Bibliographic references:

Books: Author (last name –the first letter in capital letters-, comma, initial of the first name, period; in the case of several authors, they should be separated with a comma and before the last one with an “and”), year (in parentheses), period, full title (in italics) and period; city and two points, publisher.

Surname, I., Surname, I. and Surname, I. (1995). Title of the book. City: Publisher.

Chapters of collective books or proceedings: Authors and year (in the form indicated above); chapter title, period; “In”; name of the authors of the book (initial, period, last name); “(Eds.),”, or “(Dirs.),”, or “(Comps.)”; title of the book in italics; chapter specific pages, between parentheses, period; city, colon, publisher.

Authors (year). Chapter Title. In I. Surname, I. Surname and I. Surname (Eds.), Book Title (pages 48-78). City: Publisher.

Journal articles: Authors and year (as in all cases); article title, period; name of the journal in full and in italics, comma; volume in italics; number in parentheses and attached to the volume (there is no blank space between volume and number); comma, initial page, hyphen, final page, period.

Authors (year). Article title. Name of the Journal, 8 (3), 215-232.

Electronic sources: Authors and year (as in all cases). Title. Month, day, year (in which you consult the document). Internet permanent link.

Author, initial(s) of his name (year). Title. Month, day, year, Internet permanent link.

3.5.You must appropriately indicate the origin of graphics, tables, images, maps, plans, etc. If they are originals, you must indicate “Author’s image”.

3.6. If the works correspond to conferences or talks, you must mention the origin, event and date, in addition to changes made for their publication.

3.7. At the end of the text, you should add the curricular background of each author, in a brief format.

3.8. DU&P Journal is not responsible for the content of the texts and the respective opinions of the authors. It reserves the right to publish the works with the modifications that are deemed convenient, to adapt them to the editing requirements, with the author prior consent.

3.9.Any legal restrictions that affect the articles are the responsibility of each author.

3.10. Articles sent to DU&P Journal will be subjected to a “peer-review” system, in which two evaluating members will rate the article.
The results of the evaluations always will be communicated to the authors in a time not further than 60 days.

3.11.- The author’s institutional affiliation should be indicated in the submitted curriculum, including city, country and email contact.

3.12.- If the article comes from an investigation carried out through funds from an institution. You must consign this information in the acknowledgments of the manuscript.

4. Brief communications
Brief Communications are short articles of up to 1,500 words (including Bibliography). We recommend this modality for the publication of specific comments, works of current interest or comments on other articles published in the journal. The format differences with a regular article are as follows:

• Includes title, author (s), address (es), abstract, text, acknowledgments and bibliography.
• The abstract or summary has a maximum length of 50 words.
• Do not include keywords.
• The acknowledgments should not exceed 30 words.

5. Manuscript submissions

5.1. Manuscripts are limited to 9000 words. Submissions must be sent by email, to, or delivered through a pendrive to the CEAUP offices, located in the 5th Floor, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, University Central de Chile. Av. Santa Isabel N ° 1186. R.M. Chile // The processing of articles and their shipping are free of charge..